Both locations will be closed Monday, May 27. Our E-Library is always open »

Children's Services: Babies Love Books - Monday Storytime Volunteer

Weekly volunteers are needed Monday mornings, 9:30 am to 11:30 am, to assist Children’s Services staff with three consecutive 20-minute sessions of Babies Love Books, a storytime for families with babies’ aged 0 - 18 months. The program volunteers will help set up the room, greet attendees, provide name tags, take a headcount, distribute props, tidy the room and clean props between and after sessions. The volunteer may also assist the librarian within the storytime as needed. Volunteers 18 years or older are welcome. This position requires a four-month commitment (May through August). Background check is required.

Please contact the library’s volunteer coordinator to set up a volunteer interview.  An interview with a volunteer coordinator must be completed before volunteer work can begin. Please email or call 217/403-2000, ext. 3 to schedule an interview. All of our volunteer positions include ongoing tasks and are not for a one time nor short term volunteer opportunity. We ask for a minimum commitment of four months when volunteering. Every volunteer will have a regular working schedule with a minimum of two hours each week.

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